Our Story

The Problem.

Jover began with a problem that founder Mary Schuleri saw and wanted to fix. Mary's once-vibrant and lively mother, Jo, began to fade behind the dull, gray, metal walker prescribed to her during post-surgical rehabilitation. As Jo's gloominess grew, her motivation and recovery progress slowed substantially. Mary began to consider ways to get her mom moving again. 

Jo always had a fantastic sense of style and loved to accessorize with the perfect pin or scarf to make an outfit her own. Feeling that her mom's sadness was due, in part, to Jo's loss of her sense-of-self, Mary focused on fashion as a way to liven-up and personalize her mom's walker. She wanted Jo, and all walker users like her, to see the walker as a source of inspiration, not inhibition. 

Unhappy with available options to "dress up" the walker, which were either limited or impractical, Mary set out to design something new.

The Solution? Jover.

Jover (pronounced joh-ver) is a patented, one-piece, washable fabric cover with four easy-access pockets (two 6"x6" interior pockets for smaller personal items and two 10"x10" exterior pockets to hold larger items, such as an iPad or magazine). The cover fits securely, folds along with the walker, and is easy to attach and remove.

Jover is designed to add personal style to the ordinary metal folding walker. Available options include five bright, happy solids and five flattering prints--with seasonal options coming soon. Covers are easily swapped out to match a holiday or event, or a specific outfit or mood. A handy matching storage bag is included with each Jover. 

Our Mission.

At Jover, our mission is to make life a little brighter, particularly for those with mobility issues. Transforming the standard metal folding walker into a vehicle for self-expression is our first step. In doing so, we hope to encourage confidence and positive social interactions, and to inspire positivity in pursuit of a more diverse and inclusive world. 


Try a Jover.

Jover covers are available for wholesale pre-order and are currently available in select retail stores. Our online retail store is coming soon! Join our email list to keep up-to-date.