~ the heart of what we do ~

Our Community

  • Man having coffee with the Jover Walker Cover in Woodland Camo on his walker. The Jover Walker Cover is a decorative fabric cover with four handy pockets designed to enhance and personalize the standard folding walker.

    "Having a Jover on my walker is definitely an upgrade.I no longer feel like my walker defines me. I feel like I define my walker! – M.N.

  • Woman standing behind a walker dressed up in a sunflower patterned Jover Walker Cover. The Jover Walker Cover is a walker accessory designed to add fashion and function--with the addition of four handy pockets-- to the ordinary folding walker.


    "Jovers are red. Jovers are blue. I love my Jover, and it loves me too."
    by Ruth Pearce

  • A woman using a walker gardening in her patio. The walker sports a Jover Walker Cover in Deep Marine and in the side pocket she has an iPad. The walker also has a tray on it, which she is using to garden. The walker cover is compatible with other walker accessories.

    "My grandkids and neighbors love my Jover. I am now proud to use my walker when I walk around town." – Jan Z.

"When I walk to the dining hall, everyone comments on my Jover. It's a great conversation-starter. I didn't think my walker needed a Jover, but now I never want to see it without a Jover on it." – Pete Jones

"With the Jover Walker Cover on my walker, I like going out again. I feel like people are seeing me for me and not just my walker." – J.S.

"I feel hipper and jazzier with my bright pink Jover cover on my walker." - M.S.

"The perfect gift after my surgery. Really lifted my spirits!" – Anonymous

Have a Jover Walker Cover?

We'd love to see how you Stroll in Style: Email your Jover photos and stories to us for a chance to be featured on our website and social media.

Share your Jover experience on socials & tag us @jovercover.