Our Community

Jover walker covers help reframe the way people view walkers. 

"When I walk to the dining hall, everyone comments on my Jover. It's a great conversation-starter. I didn't think my walker needed a Jover, but now I never want to see it without a Jover on it."  – Pete J.

"My grandkids and neighbors love my Jover. I am now proud to use my walker when I walk around town. Everyone wants to help me pick out the next one!– J.Z.

"With the Jover on my walker, I like going out again. I feel like people are seeing me for me and not just my walker." – J.S.

"Having a Jover on my walker is definitely an upgrade. I no longer feel like my walker defines me. I feel like I define my walker!"
– A.N.

"The perfect gift after my surgery. Really lifted my spirits!" – Anonymous

"I feel hipper and jazzier with a Jover on my walker." - Mary 


Have a Jover?

Show us how you Stroll in Style. Share your Jover story with us.


*Some photos include Jover prototypes in colors and patterns not currently available.